siick minds
Cut copy
yeah yeah yeahs
Arcade fire
Hot chip
Dandy Warhol
LCD Soundsystem
Van she
Midnight juggernauts
Zoot woman
Grand national
Daft punk
Junior boys
Brazilian girls
The last high by Dandy Warhols
But adored by a 100,000 more
Then I said when you were the last.
And I have known love, like a whore
from at least 10,000 more
Then I swore when you were the last
When you were the last high
You were awake,
And I should have stayed, but wandered.
I was only out for a day.
out for a day.
It was Chicago for a moment,
And then it was Paris and London for a few,
Well, I am alone
But adored by a 100,000 more
Than I swore when you were the last.
When you were the last high
When you were the last high
Well I was the first to have spoken
And I said just about all of the things you shouldn't say.
So maybe you loved me, but now maybe you don't.
And maybe you'll call me.
Maybe you won't.
So, I am alone
But adored by a 100,000 more
than I said when you were the last.
And I have known love, like a whore
from at least 10,000 more
then I swore when you were the last.
When you were the last high
a piece of my mind for FREE
grow bananas out your belly button.
remember that the day milk spoils b4 the gallon is drank
oranges will lose their color.so drink up!
don't forget to keep all thoughts refrigerated
& from time to time bottle them up.
its not up to mom anymore,
I swear on a chocolate chip cookie.
let it all fall into place...
they call it the beautiful city

dear miami
honeslty, i really like you, but how can i commit to you without first experimenting w.whats out there?
also, before i make any promises, i would really like it if you could show me a little more. something new. i want to see your experimental side. which reminds...can you please tone down the raunchiness. im sick of ur "wanna be fabulous" humor.
oh and still then dont get ur hopes up too high, i should be gone by august. this time is china.
i know you understand.
phunk regards,
sweet little princess

a collecting lid army of one

save the lids to save lives.
as a regular yoplait yogurt eater i figured that collecting these specially marked pink lids & sending them in for a beneficial cause would be a great & easy idea to help out in the community.
& so i did! :)
i started as a lid-collecting-army of one, but decided to join the house of blues team, here in Orlando, "rockin pink" to truly attack breast cancer!
basically, all we have to do is keep eating yoplait® yogurt (yumii) and they’ll donate 10 cents to Susan G. Komen for the cure® for every lid we send in by december 31, 2009, up to $1.5 million. and they guarantee a donation of at least $500,000.
there are several lid collecting teams across the nation. check for local ones and help us put a lid on breast cancer!
for more information visit:
pictured are my lids :)
Arauz children's foundation
As most of you have read in a previous blog, I wrote Crayola a proposal letter where I state recycling and charity suggestions to help minimize the current colorful waste.
But to my surprise Crayola’s response letter was more focused on the quality of their product and on the sanitation liabilities my idea would tie along.
So I decided to take matters into my own hands and got in touch with my cousin/mentor who founded The Arauz children’s foundation ‘Karitas’, Christiane Arauz, to seek advice on how to get started. ‘Karitas’ has been helping underprivileged kids throughout Central America, with a major concentration in Nicaragua, since 2001.
The idea is to call out a crayon drive and continuously ship them out to all the unseen corners, starting in Nicaragua, where colorful dreams are nearly impossible. All those who donate will have their names listed on my blog and will be cordially invited to all related events!!
A bright drive: Collect old, broken, unused (but not limited to) crayons and mail them to:
Attn: Casey Arauz and Christianne Arauz
1521 Alton Road #833
Miami Beach, Fl 33139
Reaching all the dull corners: A list of Nicaraguan disadvantaged schools will be posted for the public to contact or for donation verification.
Help children find their inner artiste.
Trick or treat!!!
(an awsome Halloween costume idea)
to be a mystical creature, a purple unicorn <3
...and so i went to Michael's and bought all that i considered important factors in a unicorn.
rhinestones, fur-like cloth, dreamy wings, glitter, gems, purple spray paint etc etc...
but a picture is worth 1,000 words :)

Party of one (& her orbs)

these +/- energy spheres have no smell or color (at least to the naked sense) and are best seen in pictures. personally, i get the feeling that these orbs are concious energies that once lived as concentrated physical forms, got divided into unequal parts at "death"...& trough time, eventually, they shape back into physical form.
in pictures, they look like dust clouds but believe me when i say they are NOT.
Soffi knows she's got company... and its concerned b.c. she did not prepare enough PB&J sammiches...on the record player is Frank Sinatra
-don't worry soffi, they just wanna mingle and dance.
On this note, once i (casey Arauz) die, i would love to become cosmic powder and simply shiine, shiine, shiine! The only way i can think for this to be possible is by first cremating my energy into dust and then on a starry night be tossed into the air. i must be tossed far away from any body of water in case the dust (me) sticks to it. like cinnamon on a cup of coffee...that would make it nearly impossible for me to leave this planet and that's NOT part of my will!
i should also suggest locating where the "crack " in the ozone layer is this way i could fly right out ; )
just saying...
46 days left for my birffday
On a serious note i can’t wait to turn 30 or 50 and even 70. i truly embrace change and for this i must thank mi abuelita Susana, my dad’s mother, who still at 75(total guess) can say she has never covered a single grey hair. i myself plan on never covering my age by buying expensive lardy creams and overpriced undergarments that hold the physique in place. i want to experience what time does to my existence. the older the wiser. & that's a fact!
last year i spent my birthday at the planetarium with two of my closest friends, Valerie Duardo and Katherine Trewin, where a DJ played electronic beats to a 3D laser show display.
this year i am not sure yet since i’m in Orlando and my peeps live in Miami…but believe it when i say that i’m working hard on it ;)
wake up and smell the coffee!

coffee is vital to my productivity and concentration span. without it i would nap for hours (more like knock out) and slug my way around life.
but not only do i abuse its benefits i also enjoy its flavor. my taste buds know quality.
the backbone:
my grandfather, Nacho Arauz, was the biggest coffee grower of his time in Matagalpa’s history. abuelito nacho is cosmic powder now,but the coffee farms remain.
a no brainer for my appreciation.
lower case
metaphorically speaking it feels like everything is on the same level.
My favorite color is c000c0

the picture shows what this color picker usually looks like.
on the blank box next to the number sign reads a number as the pointer is moved inside the larger box to its left. Every shade is coded.
my favorite color is c000c0 the phunkiiest purple.
Something about us - Daft Punk
I might not be the right one
But there's something about us I want to say
Cause there's something between us anyway
I might not be the right one
It might not be the right time
But there's something about us I've got to do
Some kind of secret I will share with you
I need you more than anything in my life
I want you more than anything in my life
I'll miss you more than anyone in my life
I love you more than anyone in my life
plastilina 3D

photoShop rocks!

pictured is Jose Manuel Espinosa, lead vocalist and songwriter of nicaraguan band Sossimo.
sofii goes acrylic

creating a logo/signature for catastrophunk

iin.house beauty parlor

instead, of course, i have been doodling my heart away on paper. this one was one of my faves as of lately. “iin.house.beauty.parlor” sofii is a huge flirt bug! she loves mirrors and spends a lot of her time in front of them to assure that her bows (in this case just one bow) are in place & that her dress is spotless. her favorite fragrance is daisy by marc jacobs & let me tell you that its a hit among her peers, specially the boys.
Sugar high

a Skittles, starburst, Laffy Taffy, Nerds & Pixie sticks meal.
Back in 5 minutes. Gone cartwheeling.
Hello Mrs. muffin how may I help you?
10 blueberry muffins? no problem.
Yes, one moment I will check you out Mr. chubby cloud.
Welcome back Ms. lolly I will be with you in just a sec. Like you asked Mrs. Muffin here are the 10 blueberry babiies.
Here is your change Mr. chubby cloud, come again!
Ms. lolly here is the contract please sign on the dotted line.
You can call me the multi-tasker Queen.
Zank you.
must...keep… eyes… OPEN
goodbye september....
instead it served my soul as 30 days of restoration.
i was able to re-align myself, to step out of my "box", and analyze all that should be changed or needed to stay the same.
two of the most significant outcomes to this was a new job at apple & well i found my best friend/loviie :)
hello October.....
google Casey Arauz
my point is that i now exist on the web!
i must optimize myself & link thousands and thousands of key words to my name in order to show up everywhere and hopefully become as strong as a virus.
HONEY! Deelishiiness...

The program I use to doodle is called graffiti, a facebook application, this app does not have a feature to edit the work once it has been saved. It has happen to me more than a hand full of times before, losing art that is! Reason why I still use graffiti is because once it's completed you can sit back and replay the drawing process in a slow motion picture.
this is so frustrating!!! (kind of funny too...)
:( WwhAAahhhhhh just..the deck…brown
the doodle & honey bees
This is the first time Sophie wears something other than her dress and this time she is wearing a Bee suit!
She has a sweet tooth and honey sure takes care of it!
...Remember to not get greedy Sophie! & leave some honey for these tiny workaholics.
(honey mustard, honey w/milk, honey turkey/ham, honey yogurt, honey oats, honey w/ honey, honey)
But honey bees are dissapering!!
Over the last three years more than one in three honey bee colonies has died nationwide, posing a serious risk to our natural food supply.
One cause of these losses is an alarming phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder, or “CCD.” When a hive experiences CCD, the honey bees mysteriously desert their hive and die. CCD symptoms have been reported by more than thirty-five states across the U.S. and in many other countries.
Researchers do not know exactly what causes CCD, but they believe there may be many factors contributing to the problem, including viruses, mites, chemical exposure and poor nutrition.
I found this information on http://www.helpthehoneybees.com/
The CRAYOLA proposal...

My name is Casey Arauz and the reason for my e-mail is simple - yet it holds huge meaning. I have a proposal on how Crayola can recycle even more than ever! My suggestion also serves as a humanitarian deed to aid underprivileged children in third world countries. Currently, I work at Disney's California Grill at the Contemporary Resort in Magic Kingdom and I can’t help to notice the countless number of Crayola crayons that go to waste after a single use. My plan is the recycling of these crayons in order to supply children abroad. It would mean to not only target Disney restaurants but most (if not all) restaurants that employ Crayola crayons throughout the nation. Businesses that supply their little guests with Crayola’s colorful waxy sticks should have an incentive to motivate recycling (discounts or credits per crayons sent back to Crayola). By placing a small mesh container fby the trash/dishwashing point the restaurant‘s staff would be able to sort them out - it would be as simple as sorting out silverware.
I understand that there are sanitation issues to deal with, that being the reason I won’t simply collect used crayons from local restaurants to bundle & ship overseas. I would like to get in touch and hopefully build a relationship with a Crayola representative to discuss this in depth.
Dreaming with a broken heart by John Meyer

When you're dreaming with a broken heart
A semi-FROZEN dragon fruit.
1/4 of my heart is on fire.
A Frank Sinatra playlist.
7 ignored phone calls.
No make-up.
& we share the same planet?

in a location with no knowledge, need or care for cell phones, iPods or internet the 12 hours of daylight are enjoyed in a distinct way. a way unbeknownst to most of us in america where technology is a no longer a want but a need! its hard to seize the idea of a day without electronic entertainment, especially without on-demand music and it's range of genres.
i'm sure their days feel twice as long and that they never complain of how they're "running out" of hours in a day!
this image found on Google i love-hate! the purple sweater is irrelevant to the environment but i love how much it pops, it’s almost a joke of their condition because the color does not fit in with the rest of the earthy tones. the temperature, clearly HOT, renders the woven cloth useless.
i want that sweater!

Ain't nothing but chicken scratch!
The ups, the downs, the highs, the lows, specially the lows are all part of this improvised chicken boogie entitle "life".
Wiggle your tail feather and shake it off! What ever “it” is, it will soon be just another file on the "mental portfolio". Dwelling on unpleasant ideas holds superior thoughts from floating up.
Open up!

ABOUT catastrophunk: I fell hard in love with the made-up name the moment it popped into my subconscious. As I considered a pen name a number of ideas came about, but in the end none came close to what catastrophunk embodied. As an individual I feel I bear a case of EXTREME,(which is part of Webster’s catastrophe definition)either too high or too low, too much or too little, too focused or too distracted. Since I already do make an effort to locate a balance in my daily ADHD (undiagnosed) routine I figured I could embrace my extremist nature with this name. Because I am a free-spirited soul I consider myself to be phunk! figures why neatdisaster was its runner-up.
My loonie schedule gets between me & doodling a great deal. I ADORE TO DOODLE and if it were up to me I would doodle myself away. That said it’s no surprise that while in school it becomes dangerously tempting to ditch my homework for some scribbles, which I do confess it does happens more than it ought to.
Lose your dreams & you could loose your mind

I more than often wonder:
Where can I go if I don't want to BE?
How long must I stay in this physical form?
Why wait for the future and where is the past…
The I (ME) is: The voice that is heard in silence without speaking; an echo of will.
3rd Rock from the sun?

Valerie Duardo is a stylist that specializes in unique vintage/indie clothing & one of my closest friends : D
I've got the world on a string by Frank Sinatra

Merry month of May, sunny skies of blue,
clouds have rolled away and the sun peeps through
may express happiness.
Joy may define in a thousand ways,
but a case like mine needs a "special phrase"
to reveal how I feel
I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow
got the string around my finger
what a world, what a life, I'm in love!
I've got a song that I sing,
I can make the rain go
anytime I move my finger, lucky me
can't you see, I'm in love.
Life is a beautiful thing
as long as I hold the string.
I'd be a silly so and so,
if I should ever let go
I've got the world on a string sittin' on a rainbow
got the string around my finger
What a world, what a life, I'm in love!
I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow
got the string around my finger
what a world, what a life, I'm in love!
I've got a song that I sing,I can make the rain go
anytime I move my finger, lucky me
can't you see, I'm in love.
Funny how I learnt about this song after I had already completed this doodle! REALLY I SWEAR!

ARTsiie checkered floors!

In this doodle, Soffii is painting her little heart away. I tweaked her eyes a bit and I must confess... I like her much better with lengthy eyes, it makes her look more mature. She looks like an ant or a roach here! LOL! BUT Ssshhh.......

Get used to getting used!
I can see clearly now. Thanks carrots!