ABOUT catastrophunk: I fell hard in love with the made-up name the moment it popped into my subconscious. As I considered a pen name a number of ideas came about, but in the end none came close to what catastrophunk embodied. As an individual I feel I bear a case of EXTREME,(which is part of Webster’s catastrophe definition)either too high or too low, too much or too little, too focused or too distracted. Since I already do make an effort to locate a balance in my daily ADHD (undiagnosed) routine I figured I could embrace my extremist nature with this name. Because I am a free-spirited soul I consider myself to be phunk! figures why neatdisaster was its runner-up.
My loonie schedule gets between me & doodling a great deal. I ADORE TO DOODLE and if it were up to me I would doodle myself away. That said it’s no surprise that while in school it becomes dangerously tempting to ditch my homework for some scribbles, which I do confess it does happens more than it ought to.