these +/- energy spheres have no smell or color (at least to the naked sense) and are best seen in pictures. personally, i get the feeling that these orbs are concious energies that once lived as concentrated physical forms, got divided into unequal parts at "death"...& trough time, eventually, they shape back into physical form.
in pictures, they look like dust clouds but believe me when i say they are NOT.
Soffi knows she's got company... and its concerned b.c. she did not prepare enough PB&J sammiches...on the record player is Frank Sinatra
-don't worry soffi, they just wanna mingle and dance.
On this note, once i (casey Arauz) die, i would love to become cosmic powder and simply shiine, shiine, shiine! The only way i can think for this to be possible is by first cremating my energy into dust and then on a starry night be tossed into the air. i must be tossed far away from any body of water in case the dust (me) sticks to it. like cinnamon on a cup of coffee...that would make it nearly impossible for me to leave this planet and that's NOT part of my will!
i should also suggest locating where the "crack " in the ozone layer is this way i could fly right out ; )
just saying...